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Flawless Writes Blog
Flawless Writes Blog
Flawless Writes Blog

Nov 9, 2016
Open Letter to America
Dear America, Today, you have devastated so many of my friends and me. I’m sitting in class heartbroken right now. But I refuse to be the...
Nov 9, 2016
America, why do you hate me? When you were building your houses On the backs of my kinfolk You had no issue with the color of my skin....

Oct 31, 2016
10 YA Books to Get You Through Middle School as a POC
Just a little over a month ago, my niece Tovah was born. A beautiful little girl with a big fuzzy head and a classic newborn scowl. When...

Oct 24, 2016
Stolen Goods
Instagram Baddie. Urban Dictionary’s definition of the persona says that it is a woman who is famous for being beautiful, staying on...

Oct 18, 2016
You Have to See It to Believe It: Navigating Life with an Invisible Illness
Of all the words in the English language, one of the most central in defining my life is “invisible.” Obviously, this does not pertain to...

Oct 11, 2016
The In-Betweener: Experiences of a Third Generation Chinese American
I was always embarrassed when my Cantonese-speaking grandparents would pick me up from school. Their heavy Chinese accents brought shame...

Oct 4, 2016
More Than Pad Thai
Lime: the classic flavor of Thai food that I miss the most. A fresh squeeze of lime is just the right touch to add a jolt of electricity...
Sep 26, 2016
Take A Knee
Recently, one news story has been dominating the athletic world: Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem. Many white...
Sep 7, 2016
Always Anxious: The Model Minority Myth and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Earlier this summer, I was invited to be part of the Mind and Body cast for Emerson College’s Orientation Intro Show. Mind and Body is a...
Aug 8, 2016
The Pressure to Perform
Do you remember the first time you realized that your best wasn’t good enough? Not in the sense that you tried your hardest and someone...
Jun 13, 2016
Dear Mom and Dad,
Dear Mom and Dad, I could go on and on about the life I have had with all the problems and issues I have faced, being a first generation...

Jun 6, 2016
In Response to Vogue: A Visual Blog Post
On April 23, 2016, Beyoncé dropped her second visual album, Lemonade. The world had been writhing with anticipation. No one was quite...

Apr 18, 2016
The Awkwardness of Being an Anime-Loving Black Woman
Being an anime fan who happens to be a Black woman can be awkward as hell. There are always highs and lows, such as the joy I feel when...
Apr 6, 2016
Where Are We Now?: The Follow-Up Student-Faculty Assembly on Cultural Competency
In April of last year, Emerson students took a stand at a faculty assembly, demanding the culturally competent education they were...

Mar 30, 2016
20 Times You Regretted Going to a PWI (Private/Predominantly White Institution)
20. Hearing some white person argue that saying the n-word is no big deal because they love Kanye, Kendrick, Nicki, and rap culture. 19....
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